Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: November 1, 2023 - Last updated: November 1, 2023


Authors: Nancy Schwartzman with Nora Zelevansky

Title: Roll Red Roll

Subtitle: Rape, Power, and Football in the American Heartland

Place: New York

Publisher: Hachette Books

Year: 2022

Pages: 304pp.

ISBN-13: 9780306924361 - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 21st Century | American History: U.S. History | Cases: Real Incidents / Steubenville High School Rape Case; Types: Rape / Gang Rape; Victims: Age and Gender / Female Adolescents


Link: -


- Nancy Schwartzman: Auhtor's Personal Website, Wikipedia

- Nora Zelevansky: Author's Personal Website

  Prologue: "She's so dead"
  The crime
  The morning after
  The place
  The investigation
  The coach
  The players
  The vigilantes
  The trial
  Hurry up and heal
  The grown-ups
  The prodigal son
  The reverberations
  The present

Description: »In football-obsessed Steubenville, Ohio, on a summer night in 2012, an incapacitated sixteen-year-old girl was repeatedly assaulted by members of the "Big Red" high school football team. They took turns documenting the crime and sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The victim, Jane Doe, learned the details via social media at a time when teens didn't yet understand the lasting trail of their digital breadcrumbs. Crime blogger Alexandria Goddard, along with hacker collective Anonymous, exposed the photos, Tweets, and videos, making this the first rape case ever to go viral and catapulting Steubenville onto the national stage.
Filmmaker Nancy Schwartzman spent four years embedded in the town, documenting the case and its reverberations. Ten years after the assault, Roll Red Roll is the culmination of that research, weaving in new interviews and personal reflections to take readers beyond Steubenville to examine rape culture in everything from sports to teen dynamics. Roll Red Roll explores the factors that normalize sexual assault in our communities. Through interviews with sportswriter David Zirin, victim's rights attorney Gloria Allred and more, Schwartzman untangles the societal norms in which we too often sacrifice our daughters to protect our sons. With the Steubenville case as a flashpoint that helped spark the #MeToo movement, a decade later, Roll Red Roll focuses on the perpetrators and asks, can our society truly change? « (Source: Hachette Books)

Reviews: Nothnagle, Emily. Sport Social Work Journal 4 (2023): 57-61. - Full Text: Link (Free Access)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of the United States / History of the United States (2008-present) | Sex and the law: Rape / Steubenville High School rape case